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Next time you’re talking to someone in a call centre
Yeah i always wondered how they'd look on the other side...
Yeah i always wondered how they'd look on the other side...
Persia & Tasha
Yeah technically the point is to try and aim for 'one pair big, one pair small'- I suppose the extent to which is reflected by the voting.
Yeah technically the point is to try and aim for 'one pair big, one pair small'- I suppose the extent to which is reflected by the voting.
Jacqueline Carrizosa
Oh right. Yeah actually that is where squid got this gif. Thought it was a bit bizarre they wanted an NSFW tag. Don't worry about that round here. I'd be surprised if anyone browses this subreddit wearing pants let alone at work.
Oh right. Yeah actually that is where squid got this gif. Thought it was a bit bizarre they wanted an NSFW tag. Don't worry about that round here. I'd be surprised if anyone browses this subreddit wearing pants let alone at work.
And on and on
Tyra Moore incase anybody is wondering.
Tyra Moore incase anybody is wondering.
So very nice You're welcome. You're welcome.
Her Shoes Match Her Shirt, But You’re Not Going to Notice That…
[Without the watermark.](
[Without the watermark.](