Category: Exquisite Collection of Natural Titties

Would love to suck those deep in my mouth and flick those perky swollen nipples with my tongue

Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow? Jesus I guess those two years volunteering at the YMCA summer camp are showing, I always got stuck leading the F'n sing alongs, worst part of being a camp counselor by far. Singing those songs for hours day in and day out for three months will make listening to Rebecca Black sing Friday seem like a cakewalk.

[**Known as "Lori Loo", busty B00Bs & lesbians, 20 pic gallery**](

Haha this man knows his pornstars ^^ I could recognize her lips anywhere

Wish I could give this a million upvotes.

Must be early . This should have more upvotes. Checkin your post history, your tits are damn amazing when you leave them to their natual hang, such as this pic. Gets the ol' wiener dancin.

If I'm not mistaken, she's a frequenter of GWC.

I kinda feel sorry for her. They look awesome, but damn, that's a big weight to carry around.

Well, I wanted to argue some point here, but I remembered: tits! Who cares, just enjoy the gift!

I don't know how that's proof but if I had a dollar for every time I posted titties on the internet, I'd quit my job.

I've been friends with this girl for years. She was 15 when she took this and it's been all over the Internet in "Meet real girls to fuck" adds. Just a heads up.