You asked for more.. if you like this.. I’ll go topless tomorrow!!!!
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma


lol.. I will try.. but I get SO many messages and stuff it's hard to remember it all!!

like.. meant to be! ;P

Well, you probably don't show as much cleavage ;) Or you're just in the wrong place for guys to appreciate. My reaction I clicked your link, looked away for a second, then saw what you were rocking.

you should create multiple accounts just to do this. :P sir-fixalot1, sir-fixalot2, sir-fixalot3, sir-fixalot4, sir-fixalot5, sir-fixalot6.... you get where I'm

you're officially my new favorite redditor! ;D

Definately want to see more

[you got me](

I like this...

well.. then I shall oblige!

[I love you.](

I went to get measured once and they told me it was DAYUM

Well, I can't wait to see you go fully topless. I wish it was today and not tomorrow, though! I've got something to attend to in the meantime ;)

All I can say is, damn... I seriously would not be able to make eye contact.... ever

I will just be sad if you don't see my message and remember your promise ;)

See, you would think, but I would be ok with you catching me, since it's a sincere compliment....

I fucking love your name..

well.. if you're nice.. and you PM me tomorrow.. I MIGHT show you north of the cleave...

not today!!! sorry!! I'll be back though!!! I have a banner contest to win! ;D

Well thank you. I love your boobs. So it's perfect;)

I think your username will be a self fulfilling prophecy.

thanks.. it only gets better from here!

I will know who is the real one is when I see nipples!

DOn't be sorry. Never be sorry for that ;)

you just keep making me do [this]( I'll keep providing excellent boobs! ;D

lol I completely agree with that measurement. Can't wait to see more.

oh myy... glad I could get your FULL attention! ;D

Absolutely beautiful! I imagine you must be a sexy distraction everywhere you go.

Just join in if you have a chance ;)

I like I like I like

Trust me, I will, though not as much fun as you could provide ;)

why not? fake internet points are awesome!

Nice fucking tits!

thank you!.. and is your name in reference to your own but.. or that you were created from a butt?? I'm unsure..

I was once measured and was told.. DAYUM.. so yeah..

How big are those beauties?

My eyes will definitely be on the lookout for you topless.

I won't forget!!! just message me.. I'm a stoner so I won't remember to do it.. lol

Wow that's fantastic. Super cleavage.

psh.. I believe you have the self control to wait until I am not looking to stare! ;D

PM me really quick! ;)

sorry about that!

Please post tomorrow! In fact post everyday. I will up vote you every time

Well, there could be that some guys don't like your face.... I'd find that hard to believe though. Guessing I won't get to see yours any time soon.

Well, till next time...

you are so epic.. PM me tomorrow.. I'll give you something special.. ;D

Oh! Can't wait until tomorrow! :)

Its an electrical term.

Holy fak, i wana get lost in there :D

tomorrow....thats like.....tomorrow! :(

This looks very promising indeed! . . .

Very sexy! I'm looking at this at work and this tease is killing me! Please more!

you have fun with that! ;D

we have the same shirt! lol.. you must shop at Torrid too! :D

I wish.. I do not attract the same attention in RL that I do on reddit

Best tits I've seen ever!!!

maybe both.. hmm..

Wow! You have some amazing breasts.. and I love the veins :p

Why do I have a feeling the face is even better than the boobs?? Thanks for the semi...

They look absolutely delicious! :)

Amazing! I feel the need for a motorboat now

Yea we need more

Release the kraken(s)!

Yes please!! How big are they? Edit: for science

I will post more tomorrow!! look for me! ;D

Like Like Like

Well, I have ot PM you tomorrow? I will have to remember. RemindMe! 1 day

Tomorrow is my birthday. OP you could make it a good one.

is it tomorrow yet?

In deed it does.