Posted in Just Tease Cleavage Without Hardcore

Posted in Large-Breasted Women. Skinny, Curvy, Thick, BBW
Your the man, dude. Thanks for sharing, that's got to be awesome in real life.
We are going to have to beg for more apparently
If Scientology can do it why not us.
Honestly you have been, she is still very self conscious of her body but gave me the blessing to put the photos up. You have helped a ton.
Please, I already put in an application to the IRS for a 501c after your first post today...
Wow your wife is a total babe. That bikini top blows my mind. You know you're going to need to TF her amazing chest with that bikini top still on right?
She's a genuine beauty. I've always had a thing for women with that kind of hourglass shape so I may be slightly biased there!
You're a very lucky guy. She's a very gorgeous lady!
like you wouldnt brag too
Me gusta. Great Shot/'kini.
Jesus Christ dude, moar!
Why are you not laying pipe to your wife right now, and every minute of every day? With a body like that, I would consider time not inside of her to be wasted.
As well as the beautiful chest, I really like her hips/waist curve. She's the full package! You are one lucky guy!
I wasn't supposed to get her face in it but she still allowed the post.
I keep bitching at her that if she was born in Brazil she would have a church.
Very nice...would love to see more
She actually isn't a huge fan of her curves at all so I figured we could get some other opinions rather than me just telling her. It's nuts because she has an 11 inch difference between her waist and hips.
wow!!..the wife has an unworldly body. Those curves are a blessing worth undressing (copyright pending ;) As for a pic idea, cum all over those beautiful tits and snap a pic of her licking it off.
Take it from the Internet her curves are nothing to be ashamed of there are women who would sell their souls to have a body like that congrats dude.
Should make the lady smile before you take a picture of her, looks like she's quite put out by this all.
Being your wife is irrelevant
That is a nice rack. + 1 to you sir.
Damn. Your wife is STACKED.
Put the bikini on a hanger, cover the Santa (apparently he is enjoying the view). Put the DS down, grab a camera and start clicking. She has an amazing figure. As a pic tip, come down to her level, you seem taller, so you are looking at her in the eyes. You can give us that Santa's view too ;)
AhhhhhhI hate you so much
Most helpful yet honestly. Thank you.
I can see why its your favorite! Wow!
"She actually isn't a huge fan of her curves at all" "very self conscious of her body" Somewhere in the universe a Creating Diety just choked on his dinner went to bed early all depressed.
Even if her face will never been seen, she shouldn't look mad when you're taking a picture of her. Tell her a joke, give her a pinch, something.
It still blows me away how you guys/girls are 90% more polite than the average subreddit.
We talked to this morning and she wants to do more tonight.
you are a very lucky guy...would love to see the rest of that photo shoot!!
This is my favorite too.
This is a good dude here...
I'm also a fan. Here's to hoping for more! PS - you sir are a lucky, lucky man!
let's see them all in an animated gif of three seconds each. then we'll all know which is our favorite :)
Good job, you did well
I assume he means she should wear nothing at all, because I would strangle everyone on this subreddit to death with my bare hands to get to her
thats my favorite..... popcorn, she shouldn't block a perfect picture "/
We just started posting her this last week so it is up to what she allows. Check the history for the previous and thanks for the kindness.
your wife shouldn't wear bikinis
I would like see your wife wearing that in person. She is very sexy! Keep up the great pics
Thanks, and I meant that in the nicest 'your wife's body makes me tingle in places and would battle hordes to the death to keep her' kind of way. Please post more of her, because god DAYum...
I upvote you both for this.
You stayed true to your name.
Wow, she has amazing tits. You're a lucky dude!