What does BBGW think?
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

Wish I had someone to play wjrb them

Verification pwetty pwease :-P

Big enough for you? I'd love something in between them. PMs more than welcome. I'll be up for a few more hours

What should I show

You are lovely!

You're back in school its show & tell allover again, so show us more honey

brunettes with huge tits are the best!

I don't know about the rest, but I think you should let them loose, for us to see!

God damn. More!

Let loose the top of war and cry freedom!

i actually like the color combination. besides the boobs, ofc.

More, please. Let's see the nice tan lines.

Kik me now!!! Mybigtits1969