Ultimate Choice
Posted in General Tits Category

Correct answer, Danielle Sharp

The order from left to right - Holly Peers, Danielle Sharp, Lucy Collette, Stacey Poole

Stacey. Well, Stacey *first* in any case...

Is that Miley Cyrus on the far left?

The redhead. The Answers always the redhead.

Number 2, those eyes and hips!

Great minds think alike

Lucy Collett. Stacey is super hot too, but I just love Lucy's tummy. Plus she's my wife's favourite :3

I like the one with the great set of tits.

Correct answer: buffet

redhead fosho

Lucy, not even a question. Always Lucy.

[Holly Peers, Danielle Sharp, Lucy Collette and Stacey Poole.](http://starzday.com/holly-peers-danielle-sharp-lucy-collette-and-stacey-poole-nuts-big-boob-issue-november-2012/)

Tough choice, 3 and 4 have rockin boobs. 1 and 2 have beautiful faces

1, 2 and 3 (& their sisters) while #4 films it in HD.

My answer exactly... Well done sir.

4, 3, 1, 2. Love me some Stacey Poole.

Omg they're all so hot

Second in from left

The correct answer is #1 on left

Who are 1 and 2??

No choice. Redhead

i'd fuck her til her nose was corrected

The redhead. All day everyday.

Red head. Though I would be okay with 1, 2, or 3. 4 has a weird nose.

Correct answer...all.

There's no real choice here, you down half a dozen Viagra and a case of red bull and you take death by snu-snu.

Nah 2 is easily much hotter.