Two of the best
Posted in General Tits Category

Right! Meila could suck or fuck me any day!

Simply the breast! Better than all the rest!

Shouldn't that be "four of the best"?

They both have that same 'there's nothing going on in my brain' look.

Yes. I'm informing the downvoters. I should, perhaps, have written "that sub And Caelum_Cantorus' reference of it is sarcastic, you nitwits"

This sub is sarcastic you nitwits

I know right, perfect companions for a zombie apocalypse also

Or four of the breast?

Stellar birthing hips I might add

ah yes. for the 373,384,013th time this year alone already, that raw perfect slavic master race blood.

fuck you they're both gorgeous

Yes they are!

...that was my point...