Turned 21 and Bought Some Tits
Posted in Fake Mean Implants. No Naturals

OP is not in this photo

How do idiots think the person in the photo would have the name vanderfaart?

Woah, I have that phone case!

I can show them my tits but they'll be disappointed

Stunning! Can we get the full view? What size did you go to from what size?

Friend snapped this one of me gardening yesterday http://i.imgur.com/tQvvLEd.jpg

Oh man. That was a genuine laugh out loud moment.

Let me know when we can actually see them.

My compliments to your surgeon. They look quite nice.

When guys stop giving her attention

Seconded. Roll that beautiful tit footage.

2 tits is enough bro

Good, get some more because they're still ugly.

let me be the judge of that - post your tits Vanderfaart...

Her left one is pointier than her right.