As a truck driver I love spring
Posted in General Tits Category

I figured this was supposed to illustrate why he likes it (ie, he can look down and into cars as he drives by) and isn't necessarily a picture he took. But maybe I'm wrong.

Femaile truck driver. Narudhodo please confirm, would be too hot Edit: Naivety

Anyone can paddle shift. Stick is way more impressive

Captain obvious everyone. *(applause)*

Angle is off as well, unless he was standing on the roof of the car.

Lambo truck! Duhh

Is she driving a lambo?

if thats what you notice, i had bad news for you bro

Calling shenanigans. The Emergency brake is engaged. And is rather obviously not driving. You did not take this picture on the road. *Do you even long-haul?*

You deserve gold for this.

*Helicopter pilot

Thats exactly how I took it. Give a redditor an amazing rack and they will find a reason to bitch.

That's what I saw too

And a woman who can handle paddle shifters kudos you fine piece of ass

Reddit she is a cold cold bitch

When they put the leg up.

My theory is jealousy. "If I didn't see those boobs in person, I'll prove you didn't either!"

Pick me up sometime aha.

Who's driving then

I really need to get my shit together.

She has a knuckle duster phone case? Crazy rich woman alert.

times like these i just wana shoot my white cream on those titties...sigh if only if i was a bird

Who gives a shit, how, who, or whatever. The photo is hot and thought provoking.

Older one, 2004~ Gallardo spyder?

Ready for some facetime

I think I figured it out. OP is saying he/she can look into other cars and observe scantily clad women, but it's not clear that this is the point because this is a random pic of a woman in a parked Lambo from an impossible angle a truck driver could ever observe from his truck.

Careful she has brass knuckles

She has brass knuckles.... attached to an iPhone