Time for the gym…probably shouldn’t wear this!
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

Maybe you should! It'll help people exercise their focus

Holy fuck your jugs are epik

I disagree; you should DEFINITELY wear that! Think of all the people who would go to the gym more often for the chance of seeing you when they get there? Would you prefer it that they become obese, get diabetes or heart disease and die? I didn't think so, you don't want people to die so you should make sure you wear that top!

Idk what i would do if i walked into the gym and saw you wearing this! I might not be able to control myself! just might have to set those boobs free.

Lol! Thats a great way to look at it!

That depends. If there are elderly or people with heart conditions I would say no. I'm a strapping young man with a strong heart. You could use my gym.

You could but might not go as planned lol

i'd love to see the full body shot with that top!

Wear it. You'll have every guy drooling

No, you've got your logic all backwards. You should wear it, and the reason you ***should*** wear it is because you ***shouldn't*** wear it. See?