This lean mean stunner
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

> had a met-art account Like, put your credit card in and had a password? Like, you payed for porn at one time?

Isn't it funny how fat shaming is banned but skinny shaming is ok?

Not sure why one would wear shoes inside any private residence.

Yes and being thin technically makes you a minority.

Some guy at my high school apparently bought porn on his family TV with his parents' credit card.

Did you know that your phone is filthier than a public toilet? And that goes on your face.

That kind of stuff always creeps me out a little, but to each his own.

Hurm thanks, that will do. Although I would prefer to consolidate all my karma in one place. Sigh.

... You are missing the point. There's fecal matter on ground, EVERYWHERE.

It was Dahmer. Seriously, this was just on the front page yesterday.

If Aziz says it's worth it I gotta believe him!

TIL a fetish of mine...

AMA request: someone that knowingly paid for porn.

It does not, why would it go against my face?

You mean, FOR the past 10 years.

Hipt to waist ratio, and long hair. Plus her face is very cute, and for being so skinny, actually has boobs. Very feminine genes there.

Nope 2006 and 2007 respectively. My rommatre and I took turns paying.

I'll bet it was worth it. I'm seriously considering

You can talk into this thing? Like skype?

[Bones are for dogs! /s](

your sex life must be boring AF

Why is she so pretty, damn.

I did. Bangbros and Brazzers about 10 years ago. AMA.

Glad to see Marketa is still getting some appreciation :) Been a fan since back in the day when I had a met-art account.

Cause you know when you talk on the phone

dude, those aren't every day shoes. I doubt many girls go walking through dog parks in their heels.

The title bruh.

I would agree to this

Right! So according modern societal standards it should be doubly evil and wrong to skinny shame and fat shaming should be promoted and encouraged.

Forgot what sub this is. Was expecting a gif or something of Stone Cold Steve Austin giving someone a stunner

I'm not skinny and it all makes no real difference to me. I'm just sitting here on the outside watching it all go down.

They should be up in the air or resting on your shoulders....

I Still pay for kato

Pretty sure that skinny shaming is not okay to any sane and rational person either but I guess we all want to feel persecuted sometimes.

Me too -- now I love two kinds of ribs...

Well if it's already everywhere then it's obviously not really a problem.

Ugh, no shoes on the bed!

At least my bed stays clean, lots of fecal matter ends up in the bottom of your shoes from walking outside.