They’re kind of a big deal
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

I can see why. Very lovely.

they're grrreat!

They're spectacular.

I agree, in the best possible way! :)

Do people know ~~you~~ them?

Agreed. Big deal approved

They are kinda AMAZING

you've made my day. you have an amazing body :)

Test drive? May i?

Thanks so much for sharing cant wait to see more of you ;)

Now that we know how amazing they look without clothes. How about a shot of you dressed normally? =)

Yes they are! Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

how big of a deal??

Contender for top post of all time!

Thank you all for the awesome feedback!


Your big deal, has given me a big deal

I can see why...

They look great!

That's my kind of deal!!

They're kind of amazing. :)

And kind of amazing. Very lovely.

She's just a bit on the busty side. Hehe Love them!

Wow! Just wow!

More please :) Lovely set

[I'm not sure how to put this.](

Really beautiful. Thankyou for sharing. You are the ideal woman to me!