To the man who tried to ruin my fun by posting my contact info on other sites: fuck you. Enjoy my slutty boobs.
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

Sadly it's a world full of assholes.

Jelly belly is full of jelly. Youre awesome tho

I have my suspicions, but won't be able to prove it. The flood of violent messages was supposed to put me in my place I guess :).

I admire your bravery, and oh those headlights would stop a deer in broad daylight.

Do you have any idea who this guy in?

Thanks for continuing to post after that douche-nozzle

They're ya go! Fuck that dick! Lovely boobs as always!

What a twat.

That's the attitude 0 fucks given, good to see you're back :)

Could You share those suspicions with us?

I'd ask who the fuck does shit like that, but then, it's the Internet. More importantly, very nice boobs! I can think of lots of fun things to do with them ;)

You are right fuck him! Thank you you have wonderful boobs!