The Drop
Posted in Ladys Tits Revealed by Dropping out of her Bra

Nice, [Here's her Twitter account, Winter Pierzina](

Love her bored she looked.

The re-adjustment spoilt it for me

Here is a start:

24 and has two kids, wtf. but, nice knockers. Just needs to work on her facial expressions.

The drop was anticlimactic, yes, but the quality of tits was much better than I expected

She looks really, really miserable. Great rack but I can't enjoy it with that facial expression.

A while back someone on /b/ linked me to download site with everything of hers. Had some really nice stuff. Not sure where I'd find it now. TO GOOGLE!

so anticlimactic

Damn it, God!

What the hell happened to her?

Lost weight, her tweets seem religious... found religion maybe?

Dat straight face.

I'm into girls with big tits. And small tits. All girls, really. I'm super lonely.

If she found religion, she's devoting her life to the god of tits and wine. It doesn't really seem religious to me.

Why did she give up!?!?!

she has two kids...she fucked up hard. just look at her she looks like she wants to kill herself