In the dressing room
Posted in Large-Breasted Women. Skinny, Curvy, Thick, BBW

I'm 29, so the left hand is always the second thing I notice in a woman.

What's the first thing you notice?

It shouldn't, but if I recall, the guy posted a picture of her mug, and brother, I ain't lying when I tell you I it ruined the whole fucking thing for everyone. So much that it's a little inside secret that no one posts her face on purpose.

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Watch out for German Girls. They got it on the right hand over here.

Good to know. :)

You should be a detective, good eyes sir, good eyes. Have an up.

I didn't notice, but I wish I had... I'd be proud of a keen eye,

Those things are amazing

I'm pretty sure that she has a blog, but I can't for the life of me find it. Any body have source?

Looks like a bathroom stall

Those are some top tier tits. 11 images

Not sure why your comment is found so low but we sure as hell need to get you up to the top.

Not my job to care about her husband

I could be mistaken, but I remember a similar chick but had one fucking ugly mug so all her pictures were cut off at the neck. I'm just not sure if this is her, but God Damn it if I don't feel a glitch in the matrix. Edit: ugh I found the album. You guys are gonna hate me for this. I've confirmed my suspicions.

Yeah I thought it was a girl with a Lowe's or Home Depot badge. Edit: thanks to /u/bilbosa it's Kohl's.

Why should her face matter if it's not displayed in the picture? Just imagine it as a hot girl's face or something if her face means that much to you to denounce her body.

Yeah she ugly

Wedding ring :(

Not sure why you were down voted. You never swore faithfulness and fidelity to her husband. If she wants to show off her body, then so be it. Who's to say her husband minds anyway?

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I prefer the faceless photos.