The definition of this sub
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

god's* work gods = more than one god Learn this.

tbh, I do that too, but I dont assume everyone can speak perfect english. Thats just plain stupid to do

>doing god is work ~~no~~ Edit: nvm I'm retarded

Damn man; were just here to see some big titties and small waist lines but here you are being a helpful citizen. Applause to you sir.

Damn. No scars, small tattoo, adorable face... hnnnggg.

Doing gods work

SMALL tattoo. Tessa is stunning.

Uhm.. Why did you correct someone else when you weren't actually 100% sure that that was correct? I mean, no wonder people respond with the Bob image. (Innocent question, I don't mean to offend)

Yeah Reddit *always* assume people here are automatically Americans. I hate it

Who said there was only one god?

the many boobed gods

Thats waaay better than that shitty pic. Make this into an .png, add an angry sunflower and you're good to go

so, where *do* I use the "*'s*" except when shortening "*is*"? sorry I have no fucking PHD in english, there are other countries out there too.

[Tessa Fowler](

Because I assumed I was correct..well, guess I wasnt.