The dark forces are ready.
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Fucking storm troopers...

Move along...

The Force is strong with this one

I'm not squinting!

i dunno, if you are half blind and retarded then who cares. her whole tit area just looks like a giant smudge tool. i mean its pleasing on the eyes but its kinda dumb

I love a sense of humour.

That is enough. Go now, girl. Your master's thirsty.

Science requires a name.

Those are totally the boobs I'm looking for

with a body like that I wouldn't be surprised

...queue the downvote mob. I totally agree. It ruins it for me when I see a bad photoshop job. And this image is blurred so much to smooth out the skin on her chest that you can obviously see a difference from the rest of her body. The image looks incredible enough, why ruin it?

Midi-Chlorian count went off the scale here :0

Even a stormtrooper would hit that!

> Diana Prince Are you telling me that's Wonder Woman??

So is the horrible blur job.

It's funny how they only airbrushed her chest and forgot the rest of the body. Nice rack though.

A man needs a name.

Looks too airbrushed

Diana Prince is 5 ft 9 in. How is she petite?

The force is strong with this one.

[Diana Prince](

I would totally combat those troopers with my lightsaber

She kin give me a blur job urnytime she wurnts to.

I don't know why you're looking so closely at the image, they're big enough to see without squinting.

good ooogally moogally