That look…
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

* don't know which eyes i like the most!

looks better after it to me.

Who cares she's hot

One side of me is like, "Wow, she's hot", and the other half is saying, "Wow, your back must hurt."

Yep, I got downvoted to hell for that though. Only comments about how beautiful she is and how badly I want my dick in her are allowed.

Anyone else think that look is the look of an idiot? If an expression was a representation of what's actually going on in someone's head, her head is empty.

one of the most stupid looks i have seen. looks like she's trying to remember her name or smth.

Beautiful girl, too much make up, idiotic expression on face. Would rather see her in tight jeans and a tank top sharing a beer across the table.

photoshop...i ain't even mad.

That photoshop...

If she asked me to kill someone I'd be in fucking jail right now

Fuck that, this blatant reposting of top posts has to stop for good.

God.. I remember what she looked like [before]( all the plastic surgery. I dont' usually complain about that, but she really did look better before it

You would be correct.

It's a look that says, no one ever makes eye contact, but just in case I'm keeping an eye out.

she's next-level-hot... so I'm assuming she doesn't do any hard stuff right?

Her face has more Photoshop going on than skin. It really takes away from the photo.

very seldom do I say this... but I think the surgery did her well

Repost....I ain't even mad

Those bangers...

Alice Goodwin

That empty look.

She wants the D