Sweet Jesus!
Posted in Large-Breasted Women. Skinny, Curvy, Thick, BBW

Not fake: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x14larx_big-tits-monica-mendez-monicamendez-com_redband

Looks like it's shopped. The shoulders look way too wide.

Photoshop or not, somebody, somewhere gets to hit that.

Sweet baby jesus.

Completely fake. Look at her left arm near the keyboard. Straight up deformed rubber limbs.

I'm guessing nothing you could link to though, right? Haha

If only she did porn...

I've worked in photoshop for 6 years, and do not agree that this is a photoshopped job.

It's a fisheye lens.

Tits bigger than her head

Not shopped: that's Monica Mendez, notorious for a big back and wide shoulders to go with her other big proportions. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmE2eVKKQR4
