Posted in Ladys Tits Revealed by Dropping out of her Bra

Which is located at the bottom of the Totem Pole. *symbolism*

So you triggered some idiots. Not seeing that she was o.k. with it. "How dare she be ok with someone pulling her top down!" I love when someone is stupid but doesn't know. Or i hate it. Depends if i am stuck in traffic behind them i guess.

She looks like she had her breast exposed without having a say in the matter. She also took it very well (it's not the same level of taboo all over, so that might help). She also looks like the kind of woman who could rip that douches shorts apart and post his tiny dick on the Internet and send a few shots to his mom and wife/whatever. I REALLY hope she did.

reddit isn't a hive mind

They are speaking Spanish, so it's not Brazil.

That's pretty fucked up

I feel like people have forgotten what subreddit they have come to

Damn, those are a nice tits.. Funny thing, everyone of my female friends who went paleo grew an extra cup size or two and found that their tits got perkier ( I can verify at lest two of them to be true)

Ok, dude was an asshole. But let's get to the important question. Were those real? Didn't think so at first but those things were Jigging when she was trying to fix herself.

That's stupid... That guy is an asshole. Strong woman, humiliated in her moment of glory.

Its Argentina, America 2 Channel, and the location is Carlos Paz, Cordoba.

She looked humiliated to you?

[for research](

I know it's fucked up to do to her but that's a nice titty.

That ruined it for me. What a douchy dork.

He's such a fucking asshole

Asshole move. Why is this getting upvotes?

The fact alot of these dudes are so butthurt by this is hilarious..I feel like the only meat in a taco salad right now..get the fuck over it this is tittydrop not "how does this make you feel?" Cause youre supposed to be men and no one gives a shit as to how you fucking feel

So that was a lot of sexual assault happening at one time and everyone seemed really too okay with it

Ah, Argentinian titters.

Your spirit animal is the mystical human anus

I love how so many times on Reddit, I read all these commebts from guys that are incredibly demeaning to women yet all the comments hare are all "oh, that's harassment." fucking reddit, man.

That she was leaning far out to show off her cleavage and her cohort drops her top? I disagree

No buddy, treating a strong woman like a victim is the bullshit here.

Surprise! Sexual assault! Not cool

Would it be scummy if someone pulled a guy's top down?

Is that the Mexican jimmy kimmel?

That belongs to the woman who gave birth to you

That dude who did that is my spirit animal

looks like brazil