Sure, I’ll take you to the Pow wow
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Poker her hot ass

And whatever my version of sploosh is, which I guess is just sploosh, only with semen.

looo looo looo looo looolooo!!!

Poke a hot ass

Hottest, boobiest cultural appropriation I've seen on Reddit yet!

> sex perverts. yes, the sex type is particularly bad.

dayum if that ain't Kelly Ka-Pow-Wow-Ski. edit: crap i'm lame.

Kind of a cross between Megan Fox and Ashley Greene in some of them pics. Yum!

As a Native, I approve. We love white babes.


Gotta love small subs.

I was browsing reddit when I saw this post and I thought I have seen it from somewhere, I walk past this every morning (Relevant) Decided to take an image of it to share with you guys.

is she actually native?

Gators wear jean shorts.

Powwow one word

That's racist.

Been here long?

This post has more points than every single post in that sub combined.

Is there a sub for this?

Poke her hon tas

John Smith picked her up in his silver Shaggin Wagon in the background.


Everyone loves white babes.

Poke her cunt / ass

I'd give her small pox

*"It's a culture, NOT a costume!"* Blah, blah, blah... No one cares as long as you're hot.

I'd give her small penis.

i'd steal her land

She can smoke my peace pipe etc. etc.