Stunning proportions.
Posted in General Tits Category

I did. The proportions of her other photos compared to this one are *way* off. This is the reason for my comment. Edit: now that I look, you dont even need to compare. it isn't her *boobs* that are shopped. Look at the curve of her "back" starting up by the top. Now trace it down to her ass. If that's not a photoshop, I dunno wtf is.

She gave me a half chub in Fry's when I came across her spread in Tattoo magazine while my wife fetched the cheese and onions for our taco lunch. That secret little moment we shared is a memory that will last me a lifetime.

This is not shopped, at least not extensively. This is Alloy Ash and she actually looks this good.

back problems... for sure

Nope, look up alloy ash

dreads smell. eww

I was thinking photoshop problems.

[THIS]( came up when I searched for Alloy Ash

If you're thinking patchouli oil covers up BO, you're crazy. Besides, there's nothing more silly than a white person with dreads.

*AND* she's a dreaddy cat. Goddamn.

This is what I noticed when I saw it as well. Back is just unnatural.

That is an amazing woman. I'd love her in my bed.

skinniness compared to breast hugeness proportion is stunning

nice shoppin'

Now that is mistress material!

It works a lot better in real life. It's standard usage where I am, but the per capita amount of dreaddy white folk here is off the charts.

Photoshop is a helluva drug.

Sexy little thing! Def like to see more of her!

What is that?

Goodness gracious great balls of fire

Overly Attached Mag Peruser

silicone problems

You're a douche. Enjoy your barbies.

You're hanging out with gutter trash, friend. Any girl who knows what's what washes her dreads and maybe oils them. Some of them smell *really* nice.

By Rob Liefeld.

I don't see any artifacts? What are you noticing?