Some lingerie can be better than seeing everything
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Definitly true, lingerie is amazing to look at

One piece body suit it the hottest of all. Imho.

this is not one of those times

>Some lingerie can be better than seeing everything Very much agreed, this is gorgeous.

It is definitely her. Photo in this dress is on her twitter

Amazing either way!!

[Jasmine James](

its very beautiful either way

Is it just me or does she look like Scarlett Johansson?

I think the lingerie makes her tits look better than they actually are. Need other pic for scientific comparison.

Of course it helps when you've got tits like that to tease with.

My comment from the last time this was posted: My research tells me that this is [Jasmine James]( You can easily find more pictures of her. A couple more in this outfit are [here](, as well as a few bonus shots. Edit: by the way, the "bonus shots" are from *Home Invasion*, featuring the Jasmine James and Donny D. You can find this scene [streaming here.](

I don't think so