Slender Girl & Creamy White Cleavage
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

That's a realdoll

There was some huge thread on some forums I read about it. Peter Coffin, the guy who claims to be dating this girl, 100% owns a realdoll. The working theory is that he uses both his realdoll and his roommates girlfriend to pose as his own girlfriend. The entire saga is insanely weird. Look at the way her hands hold the phone. They are literally in the same position in every picture.

Well, that's 8 hours of my life I'm never getting back

I think he might be Peter Coffin

[Two gifs spliced together]( Pretty weird.

Right? I think the accepted theory is that he has a doll as well as some random chick he's not even dating that helps him keep up the facade.

You guys are nuts in here. If this girl is a doll, I'd love to have one. I'd be so out of the dating pool.

Whoa. Can you give me some details? This is too interesting.

who? edit: yikes, looking that guy up led me down a very dark internet rabbit hole.

Now that I look through the whole album, she's always in very stiff positions... And the only gifs show simple eye movement. If it's truly a real doll then that is creepy as fuck.

Yeah, something about using "creamy" to describe a person is just unsettling

Looking at pics of a sex doll and then looking at her....I can't believe she is one. Skin texture isn't right. I know they can do awesome stuff, but haven't got skin texture down. Sex dolls look more wax-like than that girl.

Then why did you delete all your previous posts?

167/172 what am I looking at here.. is she pregnant? and what is in the top right picture? Is she lying down holding her tits out of frame?

Yeah, that would make a lot more sense. I guess we'll have to wait till the next episode of nuttiness from them at this point.

Here's his alternative account on reddit: /u/iWatchPornOnThisAlt He has a history of creating alternative accounts to protect his "honor" (LOL) on the internet and it seems he started to do so again. Look at the damage control he does!

How many times are you going to post this question?

If she's not real, I'm going to have nightmares of the gifs.

Ugh. I'm OCD and this is my new obsession. This mystery is amazing to me. His facebook has almost no activity on it. His youtube videos get no views. I'm still looking at the pictures in this thread. They're so creepy.

> who? [this guy ]( it seems


Well, thanks to your post I also got sucked in and am now thoroughly horrified. I hope you're happy.

Also, the internet taught me to relate the word slender with fear.

Holy shit that's disturbing. Same hand position, dead eyes, and same facial expression. That is just too creepy.

I'm afraid I can't see these reasons because you deleted these posts^^^^^^,Peter

Looking this up has ruined my life... wtf

You a real one

Almost looks like some kinda corset training progress

It's not and he is a fucking weirdo

She did have a baby. Would link her tumblr if I could remember the name.

these are from like 4 years ago too, based on her entertainment choices. edit: but those hands though...

in this one she looks odd, but there dont seem to be any wires moving her arms....

Regardless of the comments, I'd still smash. The human race is fucked in the future when dolls become truly lifelike.

The theory is they're really well done still shots meshed together. Also that she always seems to have the same expression even if her eyes and eyebrows have moved.

Look at the legs and feet in the op. There's no way someone stands like it. So unnatural and fake looking. Though I'd never have noticed if it wasn't posted she's a sex doll.

And multiple pictures with different outfits have the same exact pose too in the legs and feet.

Creepy title imo.

Zoom in on her feet. Pidgeon toed with heels in the air. Then scroll up a tad and see the awkward angle of her right thigh.

Yea I did the same thing just now and I'm sorry I did. I did find [this gif confirming the creepy dead eyes] (

they move their eyes, show off their cleavage and raise their eyebrows?

I was gonna guess a diet/cut plan like a fitness/bodybuilding competitor might do, but the corset training thing could also be it.