She is a Stunner
Posted in A Celebration of Monstrous Mammaries

I know she did a lot of partial face shots, but the guy did a full on one including eyes.

What's peek and play?

Kinda looks like Peek and Play.


I like boobs, but THIS...

Did you happen to get her permission before posting this? Did you credit her? You are getting karma at her expense without so much as a thanks. I recommend you be a good guy Greg instead of a scumbag Steve by deleting this post and asking her permission before reposting.

If youre going to get high and mighty, at least dont make it about karma.

She requested to stop being posted. You should take this down.

Oh wow really? I always figured she was OK with the face shots considering there were so many. What a douchebag. That's a real shame.

Actually I believe an exboyfriend made a throwaway account and posted pics with her face in it.

Perfectest ever.

I knew it looked familiar.

this is /u/peekandplay

Oh that's a shame. I saw a few. She was very beautiful. What can you do? People suck sometimes.

Does anyone have any more of her?