She needs a bigger hand bra
Posted in A Celebration of Monstrous Mammaries

What happened is what I'd like to know.

She may need a bigger hand bra, buy I need her to remove her hand.

RIP photoshop

Leanne Crow, btw.

this was when she was thinner. shes getting thick now

Leanne Crow, I'd recognize those beautiful tits anywhere lol!

It's called photoshop. All of her "diary" style pics are shopped.

She used to be a little thicker right? Impressive

I don't think it's photoshop. She just lost weight.

This is Leanne Crow? When/why is she so thin?

If this is photoshop, this is extraordinary work. The floor panels in the background that are behind her have absolutely no warp whatsoever. Either way, I don't see any pixels. So this is either master work from a fine shooper, or this is actually legit.

That tattoo helps a lot too.

Good lord those are massive...