She loves vampires
Posted in Large-Breasted Women. Skinny, Curvy, Thick, BBW

I wonder if /u/tessafowler actually loves vampires...

Tessa considers herself a glam model and doesn't do porn. I think we've seen her pussy like, one time.

I don't know but I hear if you say /u/tessafowler 3 times she appears. Or is that beetlejuice

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She should make a movie.....about vampires....but they don't suck blood, ohhhh no. These vampires suck tits! Yum!

Hahahaha YES.

[You are correct.](

Good lord, that was quick! Is there an app that lets people know when they've been mentioned or something? Or did we just get lucky with the timing? PS: I think I'm going to join your site, because you're awesome. If you're still reading this, have you started doing camshows on your site? I thought you said you wanted to, but I may be mistaken

Where is the porn on that sub?

Well, I love tits, so there you go.

Tessa Fowler replied to you. I don't see how your cakeday could get any better...

I thought that happened with RES too?