Reverse Reveal
Posted in Ladys Tits Revealed by Dropping out of her Bra

Veronica Zemanova?

Veronica Zemanova

No, it's a flash. She starts covered than reveals than covers again. As long as she starts covered.

46 year old me's wet dream...

Mods- Please remove if deemed unacceptable content. Not actually a drop, but very mesmerizing.

Ayup. Pubescent me's wet dream.

Holy shit those are some insane titties.

Go to and search for her. My favorite video is where she is stripping for herself in the mirror sooooooo good. EDIT: found it

anything longer?

Guess it depends on how/when it loads. But I believe you are correct.

It's a flash/reveal which is acceptable.

Isn't it the opposite? It's more like covering up, which seems to be exactly AGAINST this subreddit? ;)

[source]( gif starts at 7:58