Playing with her wii
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Didn't she get a reduction? :(

No reason to downvote this, he's actually spot on

Shay it ain't so!

Tits uneven 2/10 would not bang edit: it was a joke, downvoting faggots..

Put the worst straps on!!' You will break the tv!!

Uneven for the win. It's like access to 2 different cup sizes in one!

Nobodys asked for source? Whats the source?

That has to hurt.

haha... I'd let ur always win!! bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!!

hey, a game grill

i searched that name, and all pictures are of a standard plain boring spray tanned blond bimbo. where is the pale brunette i've been promised?

Ah, classy. I see someone has never been with a real woman before.

Shay Laren is what I want most of the time, and the other part of the time is for food.

Perfect tit to body ratio.

No pain no gain.

He meant that commercial alone. As in, if they used that for a Wii commercial, they would have sold 151.15 million Wii.

If they had used that as a commercial it would have sold 50 million Wii

There's no time for sleep when you're with Shay Laren.

Not source but hope it helps

Oh, Shea, Shea...

the gif is much better than the actual video. the video is boring as fuck.

[Source]( (Also includes ubiquitously-posted shot of her bouncing into her jeans.) playing with my Wii too....

Now, that's more like it.


SOURCE please! :D Edit: thanks bros!

unless while she s cooking for you

I could watch this all year

She makes great gifs and boring videos. :(