Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Lobo, could you be so kind and tell us who she is or refer us to pages where we can see more

My word. I want, and want to be, this girl something fierce.

Set the dryer to permanent press next time.

Holy shit . 745 images, and she's not smiling in any of them. Not even one. I mean, probably. Didn't come close to seeing the whole thing. But still, there's way too much "emotionless staring at the camera". Possibly part of the "emo" persona she probably adopts, I guess.

She changed it to gen3remakes because hype

Agreed, I'm starting to hate this guy. Never any sauce

For computer user

I rarely know them myself, and it's just a google images search away.

My phone crashed trying to view it. Is big.

**Huge** album.

Bazingas. Big Bazingas. EDIT: I thought that was clever. Apparently I was wrong. Either that, or people just hate "The Big Bang Theory".

Hot chick but she tries to hard to be "awkwardly cute" that and she has a dumpy looking ass...

>gave up Was done masturbating

Her name is Chey, her blog morningmusume.tumblr.com has tons of pictures (face and nudes) and links to her cam page. I'm a big fan!

All of those corset shots: I would ruin that girl.

jesus fucking christ

Try to quickly click on the "switch view" link. Imgur should really force the thumbnail view by default when an album has more than a dozen images.

OMG, I have that sheldon "Bazinga" poster, lol, very sexy btw.

Dead link though.

If imgur mobile didn't do that thing where gifs only play when you click on them, mine probably would have. Not sure how far I got in the album, but realized how many were left and gave up.

Even after the warnings, I didn't expect **745 images**.

Try [here](http://imgur.com/a/EbkDs) edit: just beat me there Cowboy!

Who wins between her and Snorl4x?