Orange hair and blue knee highs
Posted in General Tits Category

Wasn't she a redhead?

I think this is a pic from a truce party...

Complementary colors. Nice.

Ariel Piperfawn, or Piper Fawn, not sure which. That's what I got from a reverse google image search.

Her hair reminds me of the chick from the newer Wendy's commercials...

Team Orangered or Team Periwinkle?

i don't think it's actually 1080p like the title says. If you watch fullscreen on the site, it's not a very crisp image.

Looks like Ariel, AKA Piper Fawn. She's cute.

Thigh highs. See how they go up past her knees, to her thighs? Hence the term.

AKA a top 5 reposted girl on this subreddit (for good reason)

Whoops, thought that but typed something else haha.

Proper nomenclature is important.

Oh, I love this. I wish her hair was just a little bit darker, though.