Nice boobs
Posted in General Tits Category

Upon further review: the boobs are good.

What's your problem with skeletor? Plus why would you take Skeletor as the problem outside of Mummra or Cobra Commander?

WTD dose having tatoos and being labeled a suicide girl have to do with what I said...thats just a label Skeletor on her arm lol was she drunk or just stupid to get that one

Erica Fouty aka Phecda Suicide

Skanky tatoos destroyed her innocent girl look

This is the woman I've wanted my entire life. This perfect woman is the dictionary definition of wife material.

By the power of grey skull those are some nice boobs

Too sexy. Just *too goddamn sexy*

Nice but tattoos killed it.

Who is she? I really must know.

what the fuck? mummra, skeletor, and cobra commander are the definitions of not skanky, but beside that you realize she's a suicide girl right? I don't think you know what a suicide girl is.

Is there a model who looks like her except without the tattoos?



Gets upvotes for 80s cartoons. Would do her like it's 1983, raw and unshaven.

there's three things I love and that's tattooed girls pabst blue ribbon and tits I don't know where I'm going with this but damn just look at those tits.