Morning boobs stretch
Posted in Big Boobs Gone Wild. Ladies Showing their Bodies for Karma

They're beautiful

Beautiful wonderful gorgeous amazing.

Well I'm rising and shining.

best figure and boobs on here

Well aren't those heavenly!

Wow!! Dangerous curves indeed!! So sexy!

Need some of that!

I'd like to spend the morning with those!

Just check the subs he's a mod of. Says it all.

God your body is just wow

Holy fucking melting

Have they got even bigger?

I wish I could wake to this!

Fap fap fap fap

I haven't seen a single comment from you saying something nice about a gonewild post on any sub. You must be so sad and angry when you masturbate.

Wow. I love your body

Just incredible. Maybe one of the best bodies I've ever seen without exaggeration.

His name also says it all

I have never seen so many down votes before. What is happening? Is it that people are too pervy? Ma'am I thank you for sharing your breasts with us. It was an act of kindness in a less than kind world that brightened more days that what these comments reflect and certainly more so than any detractors. I hope it's not rude to say I think your breasts are fantastic and you should be proud of them.

Great body and amazing rack.

Damn those are great

Your little kitty should come out and play :)

They go so well with my morning wood.

I regret I have but only one upvote to give.

Then what the fuck are you doing on a sub like this? What's funny is that it's pretty obvious you're alt voting yourself. Scratch that, it's just a little bit sad.

What kind of asshole runs through comments down voting everyone? Fuck you.