Milf showing herself off
Posted in Everything that Shows Just one Bare Boob

lol you're funny man. > and see FAQ. Millionaires. Internet millionaires. Of the porn variety. True porn entrepreneurs. Still didn't see site?: am 99.999% sure her husband films and photographs them having sex, BJ and facials and uploading and selling membership. She wanks, he banks basically.

> good boobs No, great boobs! She's blessed to be only 120lbs and nearly 15 of those are her natural breasts! Genetics. As for house: read on Reddit that also, she has a bigger mansion. Wouldn't know because I don't bother with sites anymore and just peruse Reddit in free time. Think they moved a few years ago, think she's still in Arizona. I like her outfits too though.

That'd be Wifey. Or Sandra Otterson -something like that. ottersan. One boob isn't really showing all of her LOL