Madison Ivy
Posted in Fake Mean Implants. No Naturals

Ya she actually really appreciates her fans which is super cool to see.

y3ah! I actually met her few times at EDM Events in the Bay Area. She is really nice and talks to every one and takes selfies. Usually hangs out by herself.

Checked out her twitter and hey, she actually seems like a pretty cool person. Always nice to see.

Hopefully this is just a first step in her augmentation. It's a shame to see women who get implants but stop at such a small size.

Poor Girl was in a car accident she was a passenger, Fractured spine and tore her stomach open.

I'm a fan of this one.

Ya she is ok now still recovering of course but she will be back to normal in a couple months (I mean like normal day to day stuff) most likely wont be behind the cam for a while after that. She posts on her twitter pretty often if you want to see what she is up to.

Found this great highlight video of her (love how she looks):