Low cut shirt
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

I just can't comprehend the beauty and hotness of this girl. Is this like a cgi render of a perfect human female?

You saved me a lot of time! Thanks!


Thank you blizzguy.I love how she actually would move her hair so you could see her boobs.She seems like a very cool down to earth girl.

Omg Angie and this girl, are like...gods gift to mankind.

Also her instagram: https://instagram.com/doroshina/

You da real MVP

Smokin. Who knows how hot she'll be after high school.

she seems like an attention whore that knows her entire value as a person is solely because of her body

Ikr lol. All their videos are super "staged" and degrading, was more related to her expression which I found... interesting to note?

*crazy* eyes...as in "kill you in your sleep" eyes...

She'll greet aliens as 'average Earth female' so it looks like we're a much more attractive species

Yeah but goddamn is she perfect

She looks like a ridiculously hot mom/trophy wife.

Holy crap, she kills in that grey dress.


So you're saying she knows herself and her place in this world.

Damn. Also beautiful eyes.

https://youtu.be/yW02gO0E1_Y?t=2m25s Enjoy : )

Ah, she has a ganky front tooth. Should get that fixed.

No nudes. :-(

I think they are both white

It's a normal cut shirt, she's just that big.

Crazy awesome.