Laura Giraudi
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

not laura giraudi...definitely Ariel piperfawn

Well, if you like lesbian porn, it is.

I rarely pop a full on bone from one pic but, dayum, she fine.

not saying I don't either lol.

Same guy, home account. [Found one.]( There are more, but I really liked this one. Thanks for the info /u/vertigo1084

I read that as, "I have a hard drive full of her at work"

Different but very attractive in my opinion.

How you could even confuse Piper Fawn with Laura Giraudi is beyond me.

Orly? I haven't seen this lesbian porn. Just her and some chubby dude. I decided not to ruin it any further and just stop looking. I will have to find the one you are talking about.

Her nipples look upwards, a little strange.

Hardcore lesbian porn?

is it just me or do the nipples on that girl seem a little high up on the mound.

Her body is absolutely beautiful.

Yeah, it's no good.

no doubt about it..i got a hard drive full of her work

Just one? Slacker.

Maybe surgeon fixed them in the wrong place :p

She must own stock in oil of olay.

Agreed. Though, still a gorgeous picture!

Does she do Hardcore?