Just found this subreddit, do you think this qualify? I called it: Timber!
Posted in Ladys Tits Revealed by Dropping out of her Bra

Good lord I can almost *hear* them drop.

Stormingdays from gonewild

A perfect drop

Mod here. There's no rule but I'm sure we could add flair if she's keen to verify?

Too legit. And dem titties just don't quit.

You must be the only guy that hasn't got wood here.

Welcome and thank you. You certainly fulfilled the brief.

Simply put. The best

Right click, Spank Bank

I'm trying to work out if that's you or you found it...

timber? no wood dropping here

thanks! i hope to post more here in the near future...

You have golden proportions. I bet other girls instantly talk shit about you for no reason... Good god

I just filled my briefs.

Fantastic, you more than belong here, can we have more?

Titties? Check. Dropping of said titties? Check. Qualifications:Legitimate.

So so so hot. Thanks!

I heart bewbs

I would say not only does it qualify, but it sets the bar.

I've seen some that don't *quite* fit, but this sub was *made* for gifs like this.

Trying to work what out? The very first few comments in his history make it pretty clear that OP it's not.