Just amazing
Posted in General Tits Category

Is there something similar for mobile?

http://photos-b.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-prn/929107_302421723246817_460849329_n.jpg There's the picture. Instead of some kind of extenstion, I would right click the image and Inspect Element. All the pictures will have a format roughly the same as above. Right click the link and "Open in New Tab", and you should be all set (This is for Chrome, but Firefox should be roughly similar). Right Click - Inspect Element - Right Click - Open In New Tab ... Pretty easy.

Any idea who this is?

Use your phone browser and go to instagrabbr.com. Then input their user name and search. It'll come back with all their photos where you can long press and View Image (that's for android. Anything else and you're on your own.)

Can you take screenshots with your phone?

How do you save the iG pics? Any app you recommend, Op?

Actually just unfollowed her. She looks way too fake and takes the same photo pose over and over. No thanks, not my thing. Just a heads up in case anyone else cares.


Barely any ass shots on her IG, too.