Julia Bond
Posted in Before and After Fake Boobs

Yea I don't find her attractive before or after, for multiple reasons.

Wow, I can't tell which one is uglier.

I like the ink.

Wait...where's the fake tits??

Not bad before, but the after is just fucking hideous.

She was still cute when she first got her boltons, but excessive tattoos have wrecked yet another cute girl.

She'd get it before and after : ) I'm surprised she never went overboard with her boob job. They actually look nice : )

Tattoos like that are gross and just make someone look perpetually dirty.

fucking gross.

http://ts1.explicit.bing.net/th?id=HN.608046298483328590&pid=1.7 http://s1.babesandstars.com/galleries/25000/25780/02.jpg http://static.brazzers.com/scenes/6878/preview/img/15.jpg http://cache.rk.com/rk/images/tour3/bios/juliabond.jpg