Jessica Rabbit
Posted in Female Breasts Getting Bigger

hehe, well I'm not male myself, but I do switch-hit, and i'm in this subredit, so I know where you're coming from ;) Jessica Rabbit and Roberta Vasquez (and an unnamed girl in my 8th grade class)... together really set a president for boobie greed.

amazing pic. love her nipples, very sensual looking. Mrs Rabbit was certainly an early inspiration for my BE fantasies :)

Yep. I can agree with that. Had the same girl in middle school too only it started in 6th grade. Which looking back on it was pretty overwhelming given the girl and I were 11. O_o EDITED: for grammar so that I at least look smart ;)

Are you kidding? Mrs rabbit was my inspiration knowing I love women and boobs and sultry voices ad everything on top of breast expansion. If you're a straight male and you don't like Jessica rabbit something is incredibly wrong with you. I can't count the number of times I watched that movie to "paint with water colors"