Posted in A Celebration of Monstrous Mammaries

Cant believe i actually googled that...


Sorry, i had just gotten done eating Cheetos when I engaged in foreplay with her.

gorgeous. thank you

Haha! Awesome.

Google image search and karmadecay have failed me. The origin of these tits is currently a mystery. Although a bit of finangling with imgur reveals that this specific image was rehosted off of tumblr. Little help that is, as tumblr is filled with unsourced content reposts just like reddit.

The only place I've seen her is as BeatrixKiddo or something similar on MGF

More like pantsdropping.....anyone photoshoppers out there want to post a color corrected version?

She is beatrixkiddo of mygirlfund. This is a very flattering picture.

Thank you for doing so and making me laugh

Exactly what I was thinking.


Not the same person

Heidi McOrangenipples