He’s unimpressed
Posted in Fake Mean Implants. No Naturals

I have noticed recently though, that google is including porn in the video search, when it didnt before

[google safesearch?](http://i.gyazo.com/f6417a7e2bb3654fab43e43d2eb12849.png)

hehe, no he's not, look at that swift little glance and that tiny smile it brings.

google image search for August Ames worked as [expected](http://i.gyazo.com/971cbd559d6890baac3c552b8aa947de.png)?

The image search is censored these days though. Try searching any porn actresses name with safesearch turned "off" (as off as you can) and you're highly unlikely to see nude photos. Only bikini shots etc. You can still find them if you search for "______ nude" but in the olden times safesearch off meant safesearch off. I don't really care but just something I noticed about a year or two ago.

I just think "binging" something won't really catch on. And with Google's new safesearch (which cannot be turned off) makes it less efficient at finding NSFW content. I only use Bing for torrents and porn.

eye contact level: master

Doing a Bing search of "Lucy LaPiedra reporter" brings up the video in question. Thanks for the name.

For those of you who are like me and just want to see her get [fucked](http://www.xvideos.com/profiles/lucia-lapiedra#_tabVideos)

Lies. For me I had to search "Lucy LaPiedra" reporter. But, you should have linked the sauce either way. Shame on you. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2axq2_lucia-lapiedra-nicas-marcianas-repo_redband

It's so weird to see people actually say "doing a Bing search" instead of just saying googling.

She is Lucia LaPiedra. She does porn

You can fix that by adding the right key words, like nude, tits, ass, ect. Bing still has better image results though.

Pretty much perfect.

you couldn't post a link? cmon dude ffs.

Who is that....girl?

Oh i guess they've updated! Thanks, i can return to my former porn provider.