Hell what a body
Posted in Busty Petite. Little Girls with Big Tits

Agreed without the tats been killer. The tats kind of bring it down a notch.

You got that right!

Would have been even better without tats, but that's my personal preference

Thanks mate.

If the dude meant that, he wouldn't be condemning her for having them, I don't think.

Seems like girls always stand like they have to pee.

OP chose the best photo. Good job OP!

Makes the hips and butt look bigger

Came to say opposite, seems very over done and basic too me. Love a tat, but not those. However, I respect your opinion, just wanted to make this comment to show my opinion was such a stark contrast. To each there own my friend.

Michaela Molander

When did tattoos become contagious?

Forearm tattoos on women are sexy as hell. Especially on this particular woman.

Turn those fake boobs in to naturals, remove those tats, then yes......what a body!

You're a dink.

Mw lazy... Ty

I don't blame her. It could be a real concern of hers that she is too attractive.

What in fuck are you talking about?

Tattoos are addicting can't have just one. I am needing more soon

I don't think he likes tattoos is what I'm sayin.

I'd agree for more artful tattoos, but I'm not a huge fan of the text ones personally. It's certainly not hurting this girl's case though.

Whoa buddy, watch those accusations!

Definitely. I hate big tattoos on women. How can they improve a body like that?!

Well done tats are sexy.

Insane body, but I think they are fake

what a body is right. that is up there with the best.

[Michaela Molander](http://www.girlswithmuscle.com/pictures/michaela+molander) For the lazy.

You da real mvp

Fantastic, who is this?