I have almost nothing at all.
Posted in Small Sweet Itty Bitty Little Boobies

except captivating beauty and incredible sexuality...

So what? You are super hot!

What you do have is enough, trust!

almost nothing? perfect in my opnion!

I love them!! Very sexy!

I keep reading the headline in Ned Flanders' voice. Also, "almost nothing at all" looks like a hell of a lot of fun to me.

I love them. I think they're awesome!

You have my attention, so there's that.

Yes you do!! You have a amazing figure

Would love to see more! Your titties are amazing :D

First thing that popped into my head when I read the title. Stupid sexy Flanders.

You have everything you need... and then some.

You've got more than I'd ever need <3

I have ~~almost nothing at all~~ a hot body. FTFY

You have my complete and undivided attention!

still look hot as fuck. Most guys prefer small to medium anyway :)

Smooth as fuck.

Those are perfect!

You have enough to be perfect!

Considering your other posts you are a gorgeous woman and i'm sure that a lot of men out there will like you the way you are (and imho you are very beautiful)


Kaolo spange chick

Don't care. Still fapped

you are perfect

I'd take your 'almost nothing' and make it my almost everything. (I suspect you have other redeeming qualities as well) :)

you have almost everything at all

You have a plenty :)

You are beautiful!!!

Still lickable

In my opinion, your body is the perfect shape and size :)

You've got enough to enough to give me an erection. Very generous of you.