Harley Quinn
Posted in General Tits Category

Ana Cheri I believe

What?! It's not REALLY her?!


Why the double shots of the same photo? I don't understand this trend.

Probably they want to remove the background of the picture, and since it would look very thin (the photo size) then they prefer to add something and this became a trend so now everyone uses that. Just my opinion, it could be for another reason .

Not pale enough to be Harley.

The qualifications for a cosplay really hit rock bottom

It says that in the picture.

To fit into instagrams square format, or else the rectangular photo would get cropped and we'd see less hot girl

She needs a Poison Ivy with her, methinks.

Who said this was cosplay? It's clearly just Harley Quinn themed lingerie.

That's it, this is the next thing my girl dresses up as