Hard to believe sometimes Leanne’s aren’t fake.
Posted in A Celebration of Monstrous Mammaries

looks like she got the implants in 2008. Third image from the right is the last one she looks natural in. after that they take on a more bulbous shape.

Oh god absolutely.

someone is in denial

That just shows her growth. There are so many photos that show her chest while she's lying down. They are very real.

I never said you were wrong. Just an observation.

Good eye, but I'm not sure that those are scars from implants or surgery. But you're on the right track. Can anyone else produce more evidence?

2009 is bigger than 2010

I worked in plastic surgery for five years in Chicago. They are 100% fake.

You do see how she's smooshing her boobs, right? Implants don't work like that. My wife has some good sized ones, and years of chafing leaves marks just like that. Leanne has real boobs. She's just an amazing freak of nature.

Damn, blonde is not her color...

Heh, some people just can't stand other people's preferences, specially if it goes against theirs.

Mind elaborating? Honestly, they kind of remind me of Bianca Beauchamp's. She has high profile silicone implants, but you can still totally tell. Why can't we tell as easily with Leanne, preexisting adipose tissue covering the shell? How does she shake them without ripples, or squish them without the shell crimping/wrinkling? Where do you think the scars for those are, her belly button? The marks under her breasts just look like underwire irritation.

And this is why I like daphne rosen more yeah they're scars and obviously fake but at least she gets fucked.

Yeah, my Fiance has 34DDDs and she hates that they point down a bit - [but natural beauty is beautiful, is it not?](http://i.imgur.com/LyWy7xw.jpg)

I'm diggin' the 2011 action right there

someone has no sense of humor.

I find it hard to believe that anyone who has seen more than a handful of recent photos of her actually thought that they are 100% real. They got perkier and rounder. That's not how real life works.

To be fair, some of those mixed in there are Pin-up Files shots, which are noticeably fish-eyed. The one right above 2009 is Pin-Up for sure.

Hey I'm not saying real or fake cos I don't know. But I'd like to know.

I'm not buying it; we'd see scarring if they were fake. It is possible to increase breast size through induced lactation so I wouldn't be surprised if Leanne does it herself.

this is true. Myself, I'm just a fan of both. If I see a really terrible boob job - I feel bad for the girl. If I see a natural set that are really bad as well (pancake or saggy) I feel bad for the girl. In the end though, I'm just a fan.

That's correct I misspoke. They were saline when I was helping with them. Silicone just always comes to mind first.

[Yeah..... they totally aren't fake](http://i.imgur.com/EKObQR7.jpg)

Read the title. It says hard to believe they aren't fake. I did not say what I believe.

I'm not complaining, mind you...

Did a quick google. Scars? https://imageshack.com/i/jncuriousep

REALLY ..another idiot i see...my comment if you had even bothered to consider it is about the OP claiming they aren't fake..which they are which is why I called him and you an IDIOT fuck so many retards

I... Don't get it. What do you mean? Are you implying I'm acting like the "Leave Britney alone!" guy?

Britney Spears Syndrome?

What the motherfuck? Those are implants?????!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I feel so used

Seek therapy.

Yeah, I think that's when she had a kid. But I think overall it's pretty obvious that she has had cosmetic help. Look at her website. She doesn't mention them being natural AT ALL. Think about it; If a porn star (or anyone) had tits that big naturally, it would be a big selling point and something they would not keep a secret.

Real or Fake, she's still damn good looking. Don't mind either way.

OP is an IDIOT..can't encourage that type of mental delusion... so BIG DOWNVOTE

I think the Easter Bunny is probably 200 times realer that what I'm seeing here.

No, I guess it's a little obscure. Britney got implants and explained it as sudden growth. (I have no opinion on whether or not Leanne's are real - most images are too shopped to begin with)