Great cumshot
Posted in Fat Cocks Sliding Between Their Tits

I don't think that's really. That cum is way too watered down. Looks like milk. If I'm wrong, I apologize.

With a little google image searching... [Here!]( Name's Micky Bells apparently.

true sir. true

True. Weird how that didn't cross my mind, but cum that was too watery did. The fuck is wrong with me?

You're not wrong. If IIRC she only does solo cam bullshit.

Where can i find this video?

well, your eyes were drawn to ~~her tits~~ the action.

More like fake cumshot.

Plus that cock would be absurdly long. I mean really, all jokes aside ^I ^do ^not ^have ^a ^small ^penis for her to be jerking the shaft below her tits AND her other arm, yet the head appears at the top of her cleavage with each thrust... c'mon.