Posted in Just Tease Cleavage Without Hardcore

Maybe Olivia Wilde. I've seen Tron: Legacy and Cowboys & Aliens, but I wouldn't recognize her in either movie based on this picture. It's way too photoshopped - the eyes, the skin, the chest: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYwNjM4MzYzN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE3MTU5NQ@@._V1._SX640_SY960_.jpg

I really thought I was making an original pun.

I thought it was her too. I was about to ask when she grew those things.

It's a stock photo by photographer Greg Blomberg. I'm not sure who the model is.

Yeah, now that it's been pointed out, I guess it's pretty obvious. The boobs are too big. Shame I got downvoted just for making a simple mistake, but oh well, that's Reddit for ya. My point about Olivia Wilde making life better is still true.

That's not Olivia Wilde, her breasts are way too big for that. Her jawline isn't as obvious, and even for a photoshop, her eyes are way too blue.

Not Olivia Wilde.

Holy shit. Someone please tell me who this is. She is absolutely beautiful.

You're just now discovering Olivia Wilde? Oh man, your life is about to get so much better.

I find pictures and post them, I don't remember where I found this one.

No that definitely isn't Olivia Wilde, there's simply no arguing against that fact. jawline isn't as noticeable, and again her breasts are way too big to be hers, even if it's photoshopped or not, nobody photoshops a girls chest THAT much bigger. Also Olivia is very recognizable in Tron: Legacy if you ask me.

Too much Spice