Fucking with her hat on
Posted in Sexy Petite Ladies Being Dirty

No I've seen it.

Meh, reddit will be reddit. I'm just glad I don't downvote people who have a different opinion, pretty mindless thing to do

Not sure why you're being down voted. Your response is reasonable even if I disagree with your conclusion.

TIL ["dead ringer"](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_ringer_%28idiom%29)... english language is beautiful.

I can't remember. There was a link to it in one of the Subs.

Blergh. I'll admit I've "enjoyed" a few of her videos but one time it occurred to me just how fucking insane and unstable this chick seems. Like, think about it. She just gives off the most intense vibe of daddy issues and psychosis. Ever since realising this I just... no ty

very cool, i wonder if this was from back when she was just getting started.

my exact thoughts. minus the crazy hair, this chick is a dead ringer.

It actually is her, I just reverse searched it

Where is the full scene?

I just can't get over how much she looks like Chris Trott from Hat Films.

wat. You analyzed this in Comp II or something?
